Perplex Express
Mario Party 8

Song Details
The background music from the board Shy Guy's Perplex Express from the 2007 video game Mario Party 8.
- Name: Perplex Express
- Source: Mario Party 8
- Composer: Yoshihiro Tsukahara
- Released: 2007
Transcription Details
- Released: April 24, 2020
- Length: 2m18s - 39 measures
- Instruments: 12
Credit goes to:
- Nintendo and Yoshihiro Tsukahara for the original song transcribed.
- Nintendo for the art used.
Download ZIP
File size: 5.17 MB
Archive Contents
MP3 recording to listen on any MP3 player.
MIDI file for playback on your favorite player.
PDFs of each part and the master score.
MusicXML file for cross-software sharing & remixing.
Published under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.