Great at Crime
Epithet Erased

Song Details
The ending credits theme song for the first several episodes of Brendan "JelloApocalypse" Blaber's miniseries Epithet Erased.
You can watch the series for free on Blaber's YouTube channel.
- Name: Great at Crime
- Source: Epithet Erased
- Composer: Plasterbrain
- Released: 2019
Transcription Details
- Released: March 11, 2020
- Length: 55s - 39 measures
- Instruments: 7
Credit goes to:
- Plasterbrain for the original song transcribed.
- JelloApocalypse and the team behind Epithet Erased for the art used.
Download ZIP
File size: 2.77 MB
Archive Contents
MP3 recording to listen on any MP3 player.
MIDI file for playback on your favorite player.
PDFs of each part and the master score.
MusicXML file for cross-software sharing & remixing.
2020-03-13: Fixed some stray marks in the drumset part.
Published under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.