Great Big Rollin' Railroad
Union Pacific Railroad

Song Details
Written by C. W. McCall, this song was created for use in an advertising campaign by the UPRR in 1970. It was well-received by the railroad company, who proceeded to use it in all their TV commercials and in other events.
- Name: Great Big Rollin' Railroad
- Source: Union Pacific Railroad
- Composer: C. W. McCall
- Released: 1970
Transcription Details
- Released: April 5, 2020
- Length: 2m10s - 47 measures
- Instruments: 7
Credit goes to:
- C. W. McCall & the UPRR for the original song transcribed.
- Hellbus on Wikimedia Commons for the photograph used to make the icon. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
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File size: 5.15 MB
Archive Contents
MP3 recording to listen on any MP3 player.
MIDI file for playback on your favorite player.
PDFs of each part and the master score.
MusicXML file for cross-software sharing & remixing.
Published under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.