Epithet Erased

Song Details
The opening theme song for Brendan "JelloApocalypse" Blaber's miniseries Epithet Erased.
You can watch the series for free on Blaber's YouTube channel.
- Source: Epithet Erased
- Composer: Plasterbrain
- Released: 2019
Transcription Details
- Released: February 20, 2020
- Length: 47s - 32 measures
- Instruments: 4
Credit goes to:
- Plasterbrain for the original song transcribed.
- JelloApocalypse and the team behind Epithet Erased for the art used.
Download ZIP
File size: 2.57 MB
Archive Contents
MP3 recording to listen on any MP3 player.
MIDI file for playback on your favorite player.
PDFs of each part and the master score.
MusicXML file for cross-software sharing & remixing.
2020-03-13: Fixed the clarinet sheet showing concert pitch instead of being transposed to B-flat.
Published under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.